My First Contribution on UN Report

Hi everyone,

I am happy to share that I made my first contribution on the newest Global Synthesis Report: Plan of Action to Integrate Volunteering into the 2030 Agenda, this is a current global report which has a big theme of Reimagining Volunteers, organized by @unvolunteers.


I am also proud to represent my country, Indonesia on this report, alongside with other notable volunteers from Palestine, Peru, South Africa, etc.
You can find one page of my thought about “How does Millenial activism interface with other forms of volunteering”.

Here is my piece on the report.

“How does Millenial activism interface with other forms of volunteering” – Page 52

I would like to express gratitude to Emiliya Asadova from UNV Asia Pacific and Tom Bannister from UNV Global for this opportunity. Thanks also to Editor for doing an awesome job in editing my piece. The editing made it more appealing. 😁

You can download the full report here.

Enjoy reading! Long live Volunteers!

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Kamu Lagi Berburu Beasiswa? Pikirkan Dulu Soal ini.

“Mau Dapat Beasiswa Keluar Negeri, CarAnYa giMaNa yA?”

Buat yang pernah bergelut jadi pemburu beasiswa, mentor beasiswa, alumni beasiswa yang lagi promosiin beasiswa nya, pasti familiar banget dengan pertanyaan ini. Yang ditanya bingung sendiri jawabnya, karena jawaban nya sudah jelas, Caranya Ya Daftar! Hehehe.

Bertahun tahun sebagai pemburu dan mentor beasiswa, saya pikir ada banyak hal lain yang perlu dikupas selain pertanyaan membingungkan di atas. Sejak menerbitkan buku Student Traveler, saya pernah nerima berbagai email dan DM yang masuk menanyakan pertanyaan seputar beasiswa. Banyak pertanyaan yang cukup spesifik dan mudah saya beri jawaban berdasarkan pengalaman saya.

Melamar beasiswa itu pilihan, bukan sesuatu (more…)

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